Sunday, September 30, 2007


My House for the first meet of Droopy's 07-08.

My Address:
29752 Melinda Rd Apt 326
RSM, Ca 92688

email me if you have questions

Boys bring a meal to eat to feed at least 5 people
Ladies bring dessert of somekind

Everyone bring a folding chair to sit in
Everyone bring Fun

Also to get ready for this years Droopy Clothing line, please know i hate asking this, but if i was rich iwould pay for everyones, so we will need $50 ASAP. Now last year your wondering what happened to the second shirt we were suppose to have, well here is what happened, the dude who made them charged us a little more than usually, which i wasn't to happy about. And he charged us 30 bucks a sweatshirt and 15 bucks a shirt. Its a wierd deal.

Anyways, i can't wait to see everyone

Don't forget a folding chair to sit or you'll be sitting on a tub.

Also i know that some of the Droopy moms want to see Lea, please feel free to come in a give her love.
